Pastor Ed has served the local church for nearly 30 years and is the Associate / Executive Pastor at the Pointe Church in Antelope. He has a passion for equipping God’s people for the work of the ministry. Spending time with Pastor Ed, you will quickly discover he has endless energy, a contagious laugh, is a creative problem solver, and very much a creative catalyst type. He’s a teambuilder. He loves people. He loves to laugh and is often dissatisfied with what is, and passionate about what could be.
He’s is also very involved in many large Christian Events in Northern California, frequently preaching, or receiving offerings. Ed also travels, delivering his seminar, “Helping Churches Transform the Way they Communicate to their Churches & Communities.” He also trains Small Group leaders with his DISC Personality and Behavioral Workshops. His heart is to move back into full time service in God’s timing, when the opportunity presents itself.
He’s earned a business degree from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing & Human Resources. He has a 2-year certification in Ministry from Impact School of Ministry, as well as a certification in Applied Behavioral / Personality Analysis (DISC) from the Center for Motivational Living, (very helpful in providing ministry to marriages, and small group leaders.
Pastor Jon Adams' Video Reference for Pastor Ed's time on Staff
Pastor Ed's Brief Video Inspiration, John Chapter 1, Phillip and Nathaniel