This Small Group Training and DISC Personality Workshop will train and encourage your small group leaders in the art of nurturing God's people as they lead a small group. People grow best when sitting under the teaching of God's Word, and they take root and grow when participating in a Small Group.
Understanding someone's primary, secondary personality traits will help Small Group leaders to understand the unique blend personality types in their group and how this affects their members communication and interact with others and reactions or avoidance of conflict. Leaders will discover why people do what they do. People are different, but they are predictably different! As a pastor, ministry leader or small group leader, this training will enable you to quickly and accurately understand someone's personality blend and will allow you to minister more effectively to their marriages. Your group members find themselves involved in less conflict with others, especially those with an opposite personality blend. You as their leader will better understand responses and reactions in general.
The Small Group Training and DISC personality Workshop is an eye opening, fun and informative 2 hours for your staff, pastors and small group leaders. This investment will help leaders lead others. Serving Sacramento, Rocklin, Elk Grove and northern California, Edward Black Communications is a faith-based marketing agency, serving the Body of Christ.
Included in this fun and informative training is a session on the 8 Habits of Highly Effective Small Group Leaders. I began asking the leaders to adopt these 8 simple habits and build them into their weekly schedules.
The 8 Habits can take an aspiring small-group leader, and their group to a new level. These 8 habits, when applied, can transform a floundering small group of people into a thriving, growing, vibrant one. Whether an apprentice leader, a novice small-group leader, youth pastor, a coach of group leaders, or a pastor of a large small-group ministry, these 8 Habits will work and lead to fruitfulness and multiplication. You'll also experience greater fulfillment in your ministry.